Sunday, January 3, 2010


I am trying to stay awake.

Once again, I am babysitting... I seem to be babysitting more than I breathe lately. Ok. Not really but to be honest, it feels like it sometimes. I am very blessed though, to be able to pick and choose the hours I work.

I brought a new Amish book to read, but I need to keep my hands moving because I am getting tired! :) I hope the parents will be home soon. Being snuggled under my covers sounds so nice right now.

I am sorry dear blog for sort of neglecting you these last few weeks. It seems I just don't have anything interesting to say. I'm going to try to figure out a few more exciting things to write about. I promise. ;)

We took our Christmas tree down this afternoon. It feels like we just put it up!

Starting tomorrow, my family is going to try this 'detox' thing. Kathleen and I heard about it through Twitter. For one week we aren't going to have caffeine (no coffee! Oh dear) meats, soda, bread, sugars... and so on. I am actually excited to try it. I think it will be good. It will probably help to get me on track to be healthier this year. We shall see how it goes. I'll be craving fried foods by Thursday im sure. Haha.

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