Friday, September 27, 2013

A Reminder

Oh life. How is already the end of September? Time really does fly by as you get older... I cannot believe that in 10 weeks I will be a college graduate.

You know those times when life just seems like a lot? To be extremely honest, these last few weeks have been just all around tough. There has just been a lot going on and things that have me feeling confused. Life is just happening and I am learning through it all... which is all I could ask for!

I read this entry in the Jesus Calling devotional the other day and it really spoke to me so I wanted to share!

"Wait quietly in my Presence....... Lay your requests before me and wait in expectation." 

I have been feeling convicted lately about waiting. I am beyond excited to graduate, but there are a lot of unknowns in my future. I don't have a job lined up, I want to go back to Austin, but what if that doesn't work out...then what? What will I do with my life being single and newly graduated? ---These are the questions that tend to become overwhelming.

Still, God is good. He's been teaching me to wait on His timing and guidance and to give up my struggles to Him. It seems so simple, but for a planner and control freak, it can be difficult to not know the next step! But, I am ready... and excited to see what comes next!