Thursday, August 27, 2020

Seas the Day

What do you do when your best friend's husband brings your BFF to see you for the week? You take a day trip to the beach!!! 

Introducing my friends to my happy place was the best.thing.ever. While our time there was short, we soaked each minute up. Patrick brought his drone and captured some of my favorite new pictures of me and EB! We ate yummy food, walked the beach, swam for hours and saw the dolphins. I can't wait until we can go again, and spend more time! 

Here's the deal - when you find someone who understands you and loves you through all your crazy...good, bad, and ugly - you become kindred spirits for life. I think back through the last 10 years, when I first started college and through all the life I've lived since and I cannot imagine my life without this girl in it. She's been there for the tears, laughs, joys, sucky seasons, and has loved me through it. I am so thankful our paths crossed in Hatley and that she's never been able to get rid of me since.