Wednesday, October 5, 2011


days that is... days until fall break. 

I am still sick. I am sure it is allergies that just enjoy lingering around taking away my appetite, motivation, and making me tired...yet not able to sleep. 

My next two weeks are going to h.e.c.t.i.c so I hope that I start to feel better and can sleep again starting soon! I have all my midterms (is it really that time of the semester already??!) and quizzes along with projects and random school things due all before fall break. 

By writing all my little notes and lists, I am certain it will get done however, I am just a tad nervous about some of the tests that are coming up. My semester has been crazy so far since some of the professors changed their mind about what they were doing with the class, one professor left so now we have a totally different prof who teaches different for the rest of the semester, and one prof is pregnant and she is very scatterbrained, one prof has been teaching for too long and I don't think she knows what she wants anymore! It's just difficult to study and prepare for tests when I'm not sure what to expect or what they want. I'm sure it'll be just fine though!

I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, cuddling with my doggie, and seeing my family and some amazing friends! 

just 13.9 more days. 


Karen's Kitchen said...

You will get all you need to done! Work hard, study hard, and play hard!FAK

Ali said...

Randomly came across your blog and wanted to say hey! I'm jealous you get a trip home so soon, there's nothing like a homecooked meal and hanging out with old friends. :)