Sunday, March 24, 2013

Last Spring Break in the books!

I am just sitting here thinking about how I just completed my final spring break of my college career. Not to sound all nostalgic or overly sappy, it is hard for me to believe that my days at college truly are numbered. I am so grateful for all I have accomplished these past few years, but I am a tad bit sad that I won't have a spring break next year! 

Nevertheless, this past week was so, so great. It was so badly needed and I am so thankful that I was able to go home. There is just something about having space, you know? A room, a big bed, a bathroom where shower shoes aren't required (still grosses me out), a sweet family to spend the evenings with, a puppy to cuddle with, families to babysit for, friends and the list goes on--- space is good. 

I am sad that it is over but hopeful that Thursday (maybe even Wednesday) will get here soon so I can head home for Easter. However, three tests and a handful of assignments must be conquered first! I feel so blessed that we are able to have the transportation to go home again. There is just something about home that is so good and refreshing. 

Have a great week everyone- it's back to reality for me! 

1 comment:

Beth said...

So glad you got to spend Spring break at home in your OWN bed, using your OWN shower. Thanks for taking care of your dad and me. So sorry we were sick while you were home.

Love you and see you again soon!